Law Day

City Council Chambers 1201 Civic Center Blvd., Yuba City, CA, United States

Please join us at the Sutter County Board of Supervisors meeting on May 23, 2023 at 3:00 p.m. at the City Council Chambers in Yuba City for a presentation of a proclamation recognizing May 1, 2023 as National Law Day

Attorney Sergio Garcia

Boyd Hall 1895 Lassen Blvd., Yuba City, CA, United States

The Alliance for Hispanic Advancement (AHA) is a local non-profit organization that promotes the quality of life for minorities within our local community. They will be having their Annual Scholarship Banquet this year on June 13, 2023 at 5:30 p.m.

Local Pathways into Substance Abuse Treatment

Cool Hand Luke's 1669 Colusa Highway, Yuba City, CA, United States

Accessing substance abuse treatment can be a challenge for many of our clients.  Where do I go, and how will I pay for it?  Bi-County Health Officer Phuong Luu wants to help you understand how you can help your clients

Meet the Newly Appointed Sutter County Superior Court Judges

Cool Hand Luke's 1669 Colusa Highway, Yuba City, CA, United States

Join us on Tuesday, November 14, 2023, from noon - 1:00 p.m., to meet the newly appointed Sutter County Superior Court Judges, John Hinely and Jesse Santana. John Hinely, of Colusa County, has served as a Commissioner for the Superior

YSBA Holiday Party

Carlito's Mexican Restaurant 885 Richland Road, Yuba City, CA, United States

Please join us for our holiday party at Carlito's Mexican Restaurant on Wednesday, December 13, 2023, at 5:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. YSBA will provide appetizers. Unfortunately, we can't host the bar, so feel free to bring cash or a

The State of Affairs in Yuba and Sutter Counties

Carlito's Mexican Restaurant 885 Richland Road, Yuba City, CA, United States

Our presenters for this month are: Gary Bradford and Seth Fuhrer from the Yuba County Board of Supervisors, and Mat Conant and Nick Micheli from the Sutter County Board of Supervisors. They will be discussing issues that our local communities

Local Response to Homelessness

Carlito's Mexican Restaurant 885 Richland Road, Yuba City, CA, United States

This month, we will have a panel of speakers from different community organizations to discuss the local response to homelessness. This meeting will qualify for 0.5 hours of MCLE. Our speakers are: Johnny Burke, Executive Director of the Sutter-Yuba Homeless


Child Welfare Services’ Emergency Response Options

Carlito's Mexican Restaurant 885 Richland Road, Yuba City, CA, United States

Child Welfare Services' Emergency Response Options: How does a Child Come into the Foster Care System and What Can Be Done to Protect Them? In honor of Social Worker Appreciation Month, we are pleased to invite Carol Ullrich-Hasch, MSW, to


Words of Advice from Retired Judge Perry Parker

Carlito's Mexican Restaurant 885 Richland Road, Yuba City, CA, United States

Judge Perry Parker, who retired on April 1, 2024, will provide us with some words of advice as to what to do, and what not to do, when appearing in court. Sutter County Superior Court Judge Perry Parker served our
